– Conquest of the Earth is a 1980 television film that serves as a continuation of the classic science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. This film, compiled from episodes of the short-lived Galactica 1980 series, brings the iconic space opera to Earth, setting the stage for a climactic confrontation between the human survivors and their relentless Cylon adversaries.   

A New Frontier, An Ancient Threat

The film follows the Battlestar Galactica and its crew as they finally reach their ancestral home, Earth. However, their arrival is overshadowed by the impending threat of the Cylons, who have relentlessly pursued the humans across the cosmos. The Cylons, in their pursuit of total annihilation, seek to exploit Earth’s resources and eradicate its inhabitants.   

A Clash of Civilizations

As the Cylons infiltrate Earth, disguising themselves as humans, a tense battle between the two species ensues. The human survivors, armed with advanced technology and unwavering determination, must unite with Earth’s inhabitants to defend their planet. The film explores themes of human resilience, the dangers of unchecked power, and the importance of unity in the face of adversity.

A Blend of Science Fiction and Human Drama

Conquest of the Earth seamlessly blends elements of science fiction and human drama. The film delves into the emotional impact of war, loss, and displacement, as well as the challenges of adapting to a new world. The characters, both human and Cylon, are complex and multifaceted, adding depth and nuance to the narrative.

A Mixed Reception and a Cult Following

Upon its release, Conquest of the Earth received a mixed reception from critics and audiences. Some praised its ambitious scope and stunning visual effects, while others criticized its uneven pacing and tonal inconsistencies. Despite its initial reception, the film has developed a cult following over the years, with fans appreciating its unique blend of science fiction and adventure.

A Timeless Tale of Good vs. Evil

Conquest of the Earth remains a timeless tale of good versus evil, exploring the eternal struggle between humanity and its destructive tendencies. The film’s exploration of themes such as hope, perseverance, and the power of unity continues to resonate with audiences today.


Conquest of the Earth is a captivating science fiction film that offers a thrilling conclusion to the Battlestar Galactica saga. While it may not be a perfect film, it remains a beloved entry in the franchise, offering a blend of action, drama, and philosophical exploration.